Family Worship

God Has A Plan   

The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that God has a good plan, and that’s why He sent Jesus to be our Savior. Jesus is the best gift ever! 


“Thanks be to God

for His gift that is too wonderful for words.” 

2 Corinthians 9:15

Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.


Use a Christmas ornament to play “Hot Potato,” allowing kids to say one word of the verse as they pass the cookie cutter. The person holding the cookie cutter when the group says, “15” is out. Continue playing until there is one child left. 


“Thanks be be

to God

for His gift

that is too wonderful (wiggle fingers up high) for words.”

2 Corinthians 9:15


God has a good plan, and that’s why He sent Jesus to be our Savior. Jesus is the best gift ever! There’s a verse we can remember that will help us say, “Thank You,” to God for doing such a wonderful thing for us. 


  • Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!! 


Watch the Bible story video and/or read Luke 1:26-56 from the Bible.


 Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story. 


Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.


  • How did Joseph feel when things weren’t going as he had planned? (Not happy, scared, worried) Yes! Joseph was actually planning to not marry Mary.    
  • How did God show Joseph that He had a good plan? (God sent an angel to tell him) Right! God sent an angel to tell Joseph about His plan for this baby to change the world! 
  • What can we trust that God has for us? (A good plan) Yes! God had a good plan to send Jesus to take at the punishment for the wrong things we do! 
  • Is it hard for you to believe that God has a plan for you sometimes? If so, why? 
  • How do you know that God has a plan for you?
  • Do you think God wants anything other than good things for your life? 

Mission Moment

Edward VI


What would you do if you were a king or a queen? Live in a castle? wear lovely clothes? Tell people what to do?

Edward vI was a real king. His father was one of the most famous English kings - Henry VIl. Henry died When Edward was only nine, so Edward then became king. Edward did live in a castle, he did wear lovely clothes and he did tell people what to do, but the most important thing Edward did was to help people in England find out about his friend Jesus.

Edward was only a boy, and he was only king for six years because he died when he was just fifteen - but he did everything he could to help people find out about Jesus. Edward was very clever and knew all about the Bible. He made sure that English Bibles were in every church so that ordinary people could find out about jesus. He made sure church services helped people understand how they could be Jesus friends and helped them understand the Bible. He gave Important jobs to Jesus friends who would help him rule England in the way Jesus wanted.

Earward was only a boy, he was only king for six years and no Ord when he was, lust fifteen - but while he was king more and more people in England became Jesus" friends.

STEP 4. Pray!

Hey God, thank You for Your perfect plan of sending Jesus to Earth for us! Help us never forget that You have a good plan for our lives! We love You! Amen.